目的 研究肺癌伴发弓形体感染的情况及其相关因素。 方法 住院肺癌患者315 例,其中男性244例,女性71 例,细胞分类为:小细胞肺癌16 例,鳞癌188 例,腺癌111 例。用ELISA 法检测血清中弓形体的抗体,同期还检测110 例肺结核患者、76 例肺部急性细胞性感染患者。 结果 伴发弓形体感染:肺癌患者39 例,感染率为1238 % ;肺结核患者4 例,感染率364 % ;肺部急性细菌性感染患者4 例,感染率526 % 。肺癌患者伴发弓形体感染情况与性别和肺癌细胞类型无明显关系( P> 005) ,但与肺癌病期和是否接受过化疗有明显关系( P<001) 。 结论 肺癌患者弓形体感染率非常显著地高于肺结核和肺部急性细菌性感染患者。肺癌患者弓形体的易感性,可能与免疫功能低下有关。
To investigate infection of Toxoplasms gondii in lung cancer patients .METHODS Serum Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were assayed in 315 cases with lung cancer using ELISA,there were 244 cases of male and 71 cases of female.The cytological type:16 cases with SCLC,188 cases with squamous cancer, 111 cases with adenoma cancer.The same antibodies were assayed both in 110 cases with pulmonary tuberculosis and 76 cases with acute pulmornary bacterial infection.RESULTS There were 39 cases with the infections of Toxoplasma gondii in lung cancer patients, the infection rate was 12.38%.There were 4 cases with the infection of Toxoplasma gondii both in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and in acute pulmonary bacterial infection patients,the infection rats were 3.64% and 5.26%,respectively.The infection feature has nothing to do with sex and the cytologic type,but it has obvious relation with stagesof lung cancers and chemotherapy.CONCLUSIONS The infection rate of the Toxoplasma gondii in lung cancer is significantly higher than those in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and the acute pulmonary bacterial infection patients. The susceptibility of Toxoplasma gondii in lung cancer patients could be related to their low immunity.
China Oncology