目的 报告青光眼合并白内障的患眼术后眼压、视力和并发症。方法 用小梁切除联合白内障囊外摘出及人工晶状体植入术治疗 2 5眼。术后平均随访 1.2年± 0 .46年。结果 平均眼压由术前 ( 2 6.48± 4.65 )mmHg降到术后( 17.3 3± 4.5 0 )mmHg ,其中 64 %患眼眼压被控制在 2 1mmHg或以下 ;使用抗青光眼药物由术前平均 1.72种± 0 .74种降到术后 0 .64种± 0 .75种 (P <0 .0 1) ,48%的患眼不需要使用抗青光眼药物 ;视力 >0 .3占 80 %。主要并发症为短暂的前房出血和瞳孔缘破裂。
Objective To report intraocular pressure(IOP),visual acuity and complications of eyes in patients with cataract and glaucoma after surgery. Methods 25 eyes were treated by trabeculectomy combined with cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.Average follow up period was 1.2±0.64 years. Results The average intraocular pressure was reduced from (26.48±4.65)mmHg of preoperation to (17.33±4.50)mmHg of postoperation.Intraocular pressure was under control at 21*!mmHg in 60% of surgeried eyes.Intraocular pressure with antiglaucomatous medications after surgery was reduced from 1.72±0.74 to 0.68±0.75( P <0.01).No medications were required in 48% of surgeried eyes.80% of eyes with surgery visual acuity was 0.3 or better.Main complication was transient hyphema and pupillary rupture. Conclusion Triple procedure gives excellent visual rehabilitation and IOP control in the majority of patients with glaucoma and cataract.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research