
中国西南地区一般人群艾滋病的认知情况和态度研究 被引量:2

HIV/AIDS-related Knowledge and Attitudes,Southwest China
摘要 目的:了解普通人群对艾滋病基本知识的掌握情况及对H1V感染者的态度;方法:在该省抽取5个县(市、区),每个县(市、区)抽取1-2个社区进行整群抽样,每地抽取800-1000人用面对面问卷方式调查;结果:共调查4873人,(1)调查对象对共用针具、性传播、母婴传播知晓率分别为90.0%、86.2%和84.9%,调查对象对蚊虫叮咬、纹身是否传播艾滋病的知晓率分别为60.4%和53.9%,(2)调查对象有41.2%的调查对象表示愿意与得了艾滋病的朋友愿意来往,42.5%认为应该允许艾滋病病毒感染者及艾滋病病人继续工作或学习;结论:云南省一般人群的艾滋病知晓率较高,但普遍存在对HIV感染者的歧视,需广大宣传教育的力度和深度,消除恐惧,减少歧视。 [Objeetive] To assess HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes in Southwest China [Methods] A cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted in 5 cities of Yunnan province. In each city standardized questionnaire interviews were administered face-to-face to between 800 to 1000 persons, sampled among those residing in one or two neighborhoods per city. [Results] 4873 residents participated. (1) When asked about possible ways of HIV/AIDS transmission 90.0% ,86.2% and 84.9% of participants answered correctly with regards to "sharing needles", "sexual transmission" and "mother-to-child transmission" respectively. With regards to transmission through a "mosquito bite" or "tattoo", correct answers were recorded in 60.4% and 53.9% of participants. (2) 41.2% of participants said they would maintain contact with friends who would be found to be infected with HIV. 42.5% agree that persons with HIV-infection should be permitted to work or study. [Conclusions] The knowledge of HIV/AIDS in Yunnan province is not bad. However an attitude of HIV/AIDS-discrimination remains widely spread, which hampers prevention efforts. To reduce discrimination more intense education efforts should reach more people.
出处 《科技信息》 2011年第11期I0030-I0031,共2页 Science & Technology Information
基金 云南省第四轮全球基金
关键词 艾滋病相关知识 艾滋病相关态度 人群调查 HIV related knowledge HIV related attitude Population based survey
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