
精神科护士焦虑抑郁情绪和人格特征状况 被引量:3

An investigation on depression and anxiety emotion and characters of psychiatric nurses
摘要 目的:探讨精神科护士焦虑抑郁情绪和人格特征。方法:用焦虑自评量表、抑郁状态问卷和艾森克个性问卷对242名精神科护士进行心理健康测评。结果:242名精神科护士中26名(10.7%)存在焦虑情绪,36名(14.9%)存在抑郁情绪。EPQ分量表中E、N得分与常模有显著性差异;P、L得分与常模没有有显著性差异。结论:精神科护士易出现焦虑、抑郁情绪,精神科护士心理活动倾向于外部;情绪不稳定。 Objective: To explore the depression and anxiety emotion and characters of psychiatric nurses in order to improve their mental health. Methods: Mental health measurements were conducted in 242 psychiatric nurses with the Self rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) , the Depression State Inventory (DSI) and Eysenck Personal Question - naire (EPQ). the EPQ results were compared with national norm. Results: Of the 242 psychiatric nurses, 26 ( 10.7 % ) had anxious symptoms and 36 ( 14. 9% ) depressive symptoms. The scores of N,E items of EPQ are significantly different with the norm(P 〈0. 05) ,While The scores of P,L items of EPQ arenot significantly different with the norm( P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion :The psychiatric nurses easily develop anxiety and depression emotions and there' s psychological activity tend to extomal; there' s emotionally are unstable.
作者 陈蕊 孟红伟
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2011年第5期1933-1934,共2页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 焦虑 抑郁 人格特征 心理健康 Anxiety Depression Character Mental health
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