This paper quantifies organochlorine insecticides (OC1) inputs in the Jiulong River and shows the large use in the agricultural activities and analyses specifically the status of soil, fruit and vegetable contamination by these persistent pollutants in some locations of Xiamen region. From this purpose, soil samples collected from Jiulong agricultural catchment have been analyzed for 18 selected OCI using gas chromatography electron capture detection and to identify the factors that may control the distribution and persistence of organochlorines in the area. The main insecticides found in soil samples were Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endosulfan I1, Endrin aldehyde, Endosulfan sulphate and Methoxychlor. The total organochlorines detected in soil samples ranged from 3.14 to 10.35 ng/g soil. The highest values of OC1 were significantly detected in the orange trees' leaves, which range from 1203 to 2681 ng/g soil showing recent uses of these agrochemicals. Their distribution in vegetable samples were also monitored and indicating that the concentration ranged from 3.236 to 7.188 ng/g. The contamination of Jiulong River estuary by organochlorine pesticides has been then widely justified by soil runoffs from these agricultural areas. The results therefore, provide important information on the current contamination status and point to the need for urgent actions to stop the use of persistent agrochemicals. The necessity of implementing systematic monitoring of insecticide contamination is emphasized.