爲控制麥田雜草的發生舆危害,我們對闊世瑪3.6%WG(SigmaBroad3.6WG)、闊世瑪OD12g/L(SigmaBroad OD12g/L)、世瑪OF30g/L(Sigma OF30g/L)等防除冬小麥田雜草行田間小區藥效試驗,試驗結果表明,闊世瑪3.6%WG/OD12g/L和世瑪OF30g/L等藥劑均爲內吸傳導型除草劑;藥後10天、20天、45天闊世瑪3.6%WG/OD12g/L和世瑪OF30g/L等藥劑藥效隨時間增長遞增,藥後45天所有藥劑鮮重防效優於株防效;SigmaBroad 3.6%WG(闊世瑪3.6%WG)OD12g/L(闊世瑪OD12g/L)和世瑪OF30g/L(Sigma OF30g/L)各劑量對大巢菜、菊科雜草、十字花科雜草、繁縷等防效優良,對禾本科雜草棒頭草、看麥娘的防效良好,對楊子毛莨、疏花婆婆納、豬殃殃防效次之。
We had carried on the field plot experiment on SigmaBroad 3.6WG, SigmaBroad OD12 g/L, Sigma OF30g/L and so on to control the weeds occurrence and harm, The experiment indicated that, SigmaBroad 3.6%WG, SigmaBroad ODI2g/L and Sigma OF30g/L are inner extravagant berbicide.The efficacy increases progressively on 10days, 20 days, 45 days after spraying. The fresh weight efficacy is superior to the number efficacy on 45 days after spraying. SigmaBroad 3.6%WG, SigmaBroad OD12g/L and Sigma OF30g/L can kill the weeds excellently such as Common Aeschynomene, Compositae, Cruciferae, chickweed and so on, extremely supuier to Common Polypogon and Kanmainiang, poor to Siebold Buttercup, Laxflower Speedwell and Tend Catchweed Bedstraw.