
Variation in soil properties in a transformed ecosystem in Southwestern Nigeria

Variation in soil properties in a transformed ecosystem in Southwestern Nigeria
摘要 Variation in soil properties as a result of the conversion of the tropical rainforest to a monospecific plantation of teak, tectona grandis, was examined in Akure forest reserve in Southwestern Nigeria. Comparison was made in the active rooting zone of 50 cm soil depth. It was discovered that there were no significant differences in the physical properties except in the value of organic matter content at the top 10 cm layer but chemical properties such as the pH and organic carbon changed significantly at the top 10 cm layer. Differences in other chemical properties, such as the available P, exchangeable cations K, Ca and Mg, the exchangeable acidity and the cation exchange capacity were minor. This showed that no nutrient was limiting or was likely to be limiting in the soil for subsequent short rotation of plantation development.
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2009年第12期30-35,共6页 农业科学与技术(美国大卫英文)
关键词 soil properties transformed ecosystem Southwestern Nigeria 土壤性质 尼日利亚 西南部 性质变化 生态系统 阳离子交换容量 转化 化学性质
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