

Game Theory Analysis on the Sole Ownership Tendency of Multinational Companies in China
摘要 跨国公司近年来出现的在华独资化趋势的现象,在跨国公司以追求利润最大化为目标的背景下,体现了跨国独资相对于合资的收益在增加,成本在下降。本文旨在通过建立一个跨国企业进入东道国的博弈模型,来分析其在华独资化趋势的原因,得出中国政府政策腐败水平的降低和在华投资企业所投入的技术水平的提高这两方面的原因,导致了跨国公司的在华独资化趋势的结论。 With the fact that multinational companies pursuit the goal of profit maximization,the phenomenon of sole ownership tendency of multinational companies in recent China indicates that the profits of sole foreign ownership enterprises are increasing while the costs are decreasing compared with that of joint ventures.This paper aims to analyze the reason of sole ownership tendency in China by establishing a game theory model.Finally the paper reaches such a conclusion that there are two major reasons: less corruption in policy-making of Chinese government and higher technological level of multinational companies.
作者 孙辉煌
出处 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报》 2007年第2期8-11,共4页 Journal of Anhui Business College
关键词 独资 合资 技术水平 政府腐败 sole ownership joint ventures technological level government corruption
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