In recent years, the acadenfic circle in China advanced different proposals such as "canceling the township government", "villages and towns self-government", "village office system", "county administration, countryside appointment and village governance", "weakening the authority of township government" or "strengthening the authority of township government", which shows that people have no clear understanding of the position and function of township government and differ from each other in the fundamental judgment on whether to weaken or strengthen the authority of township government and whether to administrate the towns and villages by government or make them autonomous. The author thinks that the main reasons for these problems are because the dual antithetic epistemological paradigm of "country-society" in the Western political sociology theory cannot fully demonstrate the interaction relationship between country/imperial authorities, local elite/gentry and rural society/farmers, while the "theory of modern state regime construction" has fatal defects because of its holism and entity theory though it notices the heterogeneity feature between country and society. In the author's point of view, only by finding our own blind spot from the others' visual angle can we be self-transcendent and we should not fully depend on others' judgment or subjective deduction.
Journal of Anhui Business College
dual antithesis of country and society
modern state regime construction
structure reform of township government
cognitive mistake