

Dynamic Multi-scale Synthesis Evaluation on the Sustainability of Mining
摘要 从矿山生态系统和经济系统的基本矛盾出发,引进城市生态学中的全排列多边形图示指标法,结合生态学和经济学的整合评价指标——生态足迹经济弹性系数指标,综合考虑社会、经济和环境三方面的内容,对元宝山露天煤矿可持续性的历年发展状况做出了动态多尺度的分析和评价。研究结果表明:元宝山露天煤矿的生态足迹经济弹性系数在1.43~4.55之间波动,生态足迹多样性指数在0.578 2~0.720 7之间变化,说明矿山要维持经济增长所付出的生态资源消耗量将会更大。从多边形图的形状变化趋势可以看出,元宝山露天煤矿经济发展步伐加快的同时也加速了对生态资源的掠夺,这种发展模式存在着一定的不合理性。 This article begins with the basic contradiction of ecological system and economic system in mining area.Meanwhile,this paper redefines the meaning of urban ecology which is named Full Permutation Polygon Synthesis Index Method.The coefficient of elasticity of ecological footprint,the ecological footprint diversity index and economic system development capability index are used to dynamic multi-scale synthesis evaluate ecological economic system in Yuan Baoshan open-pit coal.The results shows that the coefficient of elasticity of ecological footprint and economic fluctuates between 1.43~4.55,and the ecological footprint diversity index varied between 0.5782~0.7207.The Results indicates that Yuan Baoshan open-pit coal has to pay more ecological resources consumption to keep the rapid economic growth.The results of Full Permutation Polygon Synthesis Index Method also shows that with the accelerating pace of economic development,the consumption of ecological resources will be accelerated.This development pattern is unreasonable.
作者 陈文彬
出处 《同煤科技》 2011年第1期1-5,共5页 Datong Coal Science & Technology
关键词 可持续性 整合评价 生态足迹 生态承载力 矿产资源开发 sustainability synthesis evaluation ecological footprint ecological loading capacity mineral resources exploitation
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