记述采自中国河南的叶蜂科叶蜂属2新种,半红顺角叶蜂Tenthredo semirufiterga sp.nov.和暗斑黄角叶蜂Tenthredo lushinella sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于湖南长沙中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。
Two new species of Tenthredo are described and illustrated:Tenthredo semirufiterga sp. nov.,Tenthredo lushinella sp. nov. from Henan,China. The type specimens of the new species are kept in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha,Hunan Province,China. Tenthredo semirufiterga sp. nov. (Figs 1-5) Body length 13 mm. This new species is similar to Tenthredo nigrobasalis Malaise,1945 from Northern Myanmar (Burma) and Sikkim but differs from it in the ventral part of each abdominal tergite and all sternites black; wings evenly and only slightly infuscate; hind femur entirely black and hind tibia largely red; interspaces between punctures in head densely microsculptured; the postocellar area flat,supraantennal tubercles hardly elevated (in nigrobasalis Malaise,abdominal segments 3-9 entirely reddish brown and the abdominal tergites 1-2 each with a distinct lateral white spot; forewing hyaline with the apex strongly smoky; ventral side of hind femur reddish brown,hind tibia entirely black; the interspaces between punctures in head polished,without microsculptures; postocellar area distinctly elevated,and anterior part of the supra-antennal tubercles clearly elevated). Holotype ♀,Baotianman,Mt. Funiu (33.6°N,111.9°E),Henan,China,16 May 2006,SHEN Xiao-Cheng leg. Etymology. The new species is named after the unique colour pattern of the abdomen:the dorsal sides of the abdominal tergites reddish brown and the ventral sides of abdomen black. Tenthredo lushinella sp. nov. (Figs 6-10) Body length 12.5 mm. This new species is similar to T. lushina Malaise,1945 from north boundary of Myanmar (Burma) but differs in frons with fine and low carina,a black stripe in front of the middle ocellus absent,the ocellar triangle with a U-shaped black macula; the dorsal side of hind femur with a black stripe; the outer side of the third antennomere with a black stripe; head dorsally with shallow but recognizable punctures; antenna as long as abdomen; mesoscutellum flat,without carina or ridge; the abdominal tergites 2-3 each with a pair of dark brown maculae (in lushina Malaise,the frontal carina absent,a black stripe present in front of the middle ocellus,ocellar triangle with a W-shaped black macula; the hind femur and the third antennomere without black stripe; head and mesepisternum impunctate,strongly shining; antenna distinctly longer than abdomen; mesoscutellum with an obtuse transversal ridge,and the abdominal tergite 2-3 without any dark brown macula. Holotype ♀,paratype 1♀,Jijiaoman (33°39′N,111°50′E; alt. 1 685 m),Mt. Baiyun,Henan Province,China,17 Aug. 2008,ZHANG Yuan,ZHAO Fu leg. Etymology. This new species is named after lushina with a suffix ella,as it is similar to T. lushina Malaise.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
new species