
多主元AlFeCoNiCrTiV_(0.5)高熵合金退火态的硬度及电化学性能 被引量:6

Hardness and Electrochemical Property of As Annealed Multi-Component AlFeCoNiCrTiV_(0.5) High-Entropy Alloy
摘要 采用XRD、SEM、DSC以及洛氏硬度仪等对AlFeCoNiCrTiV0.5高熵合金退火态的显微组织、硬度及电化学性能进行了研究。结果表明:随着退火温度的升高,合金中bcc1、bcc2相的峰位逐渐接近,当退火温度达到900℃时,两个相的衍射峰在低角度重合,随着温度升高至1 100℃,bcc1相转变成fcc相;合金硬度在1 100℃退火后保持在52.3 HRC,具有较强的抗回火软化能力;在0.5 mol.L-1H2SO4溶液中,该合金比304不锈钢具有较低的腐蚀速率;在1 mol.L-1NaCl溶液中,该合金的腐蚀速率与304不锈钢相当,但是其抗孔蚀的能力优于304不锈钢的。 The annealed microstructure, hardness and electrochemical property of the AlFeCoNiCrTiV0.5 high-entropy alloy were studied by using XRD, SEM, DSC and Rockwell apparatus, etc. , The results show that the peak position of bccl and bee2 phases approached gradually with the increase of annealing temperature. Diffraction peaks of the two phases coincided at lower angle when the annealing temperature reached 900℃. The bccl phase transformed to fcc phase when the temperature reached 1 100℃. The hardness of the alloy kept 52. 3 HRC when the annealing temperature was up to 1 100 ℃ and the alloy exhibited superior resistance to tempering and softening property. The alloy had lower corrosion rate than 304 stainless steel in 0. 5 mol ~ L ~ He SO4 solution. The corrosion rate of the alloy was similar with 304 stainless steel in 1mol·L-1 NaC1 solution, but their corrosion resistance property was better than 304 stainless steel.
出处 《机械工程材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期87-90,共4页 Materials For Mechanical Engineering
关键词 AlFeCoNiCrTiV0.5高熵合金 退火 硬度 电化学性能 AlFeCoNiCrTiV0. 5 high-entropy alloy anneal hardness electrochemical property
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