
血清基质金属蛋白酶3与颈动脉粥样硬化斑块及缺血性脑卒中的关系 被引量:5

The relationship among the matrix metailoproteinase-3, carotid artery plaque and ischemic cerebrovascular disease
摘要 目的 探讨基质金属蛋白酶-3(MMP-3)与颈动脉斑块稳定性的相关性,及其对急性缺血性脑血管病事件发生和复发的预测作用.方法 选取首次发生脑梗死患者100例、慢性脑供血不足(CCCI)患者100例、无脑血管病史的体检者40例为研究对象.据颈动脉超声检查结果 将脑梗死组分为不稳定斑块组45例(混合斑块、软斑)、稳定斑块组35例(硬化斑块组)和内膜毛糙组20例三个亚组.采用酶联免疫吸附法测定所有研究对象血清MMP-3水平(作为基础MMP-3水平),并随访一年观察脑梗死事件;比较各组之间及一年内各组发生或复发脑梗死者与未发生者的基础MMP-3水平.结果 脑梗死组5例复发(5%);CCCI组2例发生脑梗死(2%);对照组无发生脑梗死者.血清MMP-3水平比较:脑梗死组较CCCI组高,且两组均显著高于正常组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组中一年内发生脑梗死事件患者较未发生者高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);脑梗死组中的不稳定斑块组较稳定斑块组高,且两者均高于内膜毛糙组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 基质金属蛋白酶-3(MMP-3)水平升高可能与颈部动脉斑块的不稳定性有关,并因此而参与缺血性脑卒中的发生和复发,测定MMP-3的水平可能对缺血性脑卒中事件有一定的预测作用. Objective To investigate the relationship between the matrix metalloproteinase-3(MMP-3)and the stability of carotid artery plaque,and explore MMP-3's prediction role on the attack and relapse of acute ischemic cerebrovascular events.Methods 100 patients with the first ever acute cerebral infarction,100 patients with chronic cerebral circulation insufficiency(CCCI)and 40 persons without cerebrovascular diseases were enrolled in this study.According to the carotid ultrasound examination,100 cerebral infarction patients were divided into three subgroup: unstable plaque group(45 patients,mixed plaque,soft plaque),stable plaque group(35 patients,plaque Group)and endometrial coarse group(25patients).Matrix metalloproteinase-3(MMP-3)levels of all the subjects were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(as basal level).All the subjects were followed up for one year to observe cerebral infarction events.Serum MMP-3 levels of each group,and the basic serum MMP-3 levels were compared among patients who were attacked or relapsed cerebral ischemic with those who had not been attack cerebral ischemic during this period of time.Results 5 patients in the cerebral infarction group had relapse (5%),2 patients in the CCCI group were attacked by cerebral ischemic(2%),and no one in the normal control group was attacked by cerebral ischemic.Serum MMP-3 levels in the acute cerebral infarction group were significantly higher than CCCI group,and both groups were significantly higher than normal control group (P 〈0.05).The basic serum MMP-3 levels in all patients who were attacked by cerebral ischemic were significantly higher than those who had not been attack by cerebral ischemic during this period of time(P 〈0.05).The serum MMP-3 levels of the unstable plaque group were significantly higher than stable plaque group.And both groups were significantly higher than endometrial coarse group(P 〈0.05).Conclusions Elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinase-3(MMP-3)might have something with the stability of carotid atherosclerotic plaque,and participate the attack and the relapse of acute cerebral infarction.Determination of MMP-3 might be used to predict the attack and relapse of acute cerebral infarction.
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2011年第3期302-304,共3页 Journal of Chinese Physician
基金 基金项目:山西省卫生厅科技攻关计划项目(200822) 山西省教育厅高校科技研究开发项目(2006201)
关键词 基质金属蛋白酶3/代谢 动脉粥样硬化/病理学/代谢 脑缺血/代谢 卒中/代谢 颈动脉/病理学/代谢 Matrix metalloproteinase 3/ME Atherosclerosis/PA/ME Brain ischemia/ME Stroke/ME Carotid arteries/PA/ME
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