
PGC1α协同PPARγ调节CIDEC基因在小鼠脂肪细胞系中表达 被引量:1

PGC1α synergizes PPARγ to regulate transcription of CIDEC in mouse adipocyte
摘要 目的鉴定CIDEC的表达能够被PPARγ和PGC1α共激活,检测其在脂肪代谢中的重要调控作用。方法构建5′删切和顺式原件突变的启动子,运用HepG2细胞中双荧光报告基因实验检测PPARγ和PGC1α对CIDEC的共激活作用并确定顺式作用元件。运用PPARγ特异激动剂pioglitazone刺激3T3-L1细胞检测CIDEC的mRNA水平。在3T3-L1细胞系中过表达CIDEC,检测脂肪合成及能量代谢相关基因的mRNA水平。通过腺病毒感染在小鼠肝原代细胞中过表达CIDEC,检测肝脏细胞中脂肪变化。结果 PPARγ和PGC1α能够显著激活CIDEC的启动子。过表达CIDEC后,脂肪细胞中脂类合成相关基因FAS上调(3.47±0.17)倍(P<0.05),ACC上调(3.95±0.57)倍(P<0.05),在肝原代细胞中CIDEC促进脂滴的生成。结论 CIDEC过表达能够被PPARγ促进并且被PGC1α共激活,在体内起到促进脂肪积累的作用。 Objective To identify the regulation of PPARγ and PGC1α on CIDEC transcription and the function of CIDEC in adipose metabolism.Methods Reconstructe CIDEC promoter reporters including a series of 5′-deletions and cis-element mutations.Dual-luciferase assay was performed to screen PPARγ binding sites in HepG2 cells.Pioglitazone,the PPARγ agonist,was used in 3T3-L1 cells to detect the CIDEC mRNA level.Adenoviral CIDEC was constructed and over-expressed CIDEC gene through adenovirus in primary hepatocytes to examine the effect of CIDEC on liver adipose metabolism.Results PPARγ and PGC1α can stimulate CIDEC transcription obviously.Over-expressing CIDEC stimulate gene FAS 3.47±0.17(P0.05) and ACC 3.95±0.57(P0.05),and adipose synthesis in hepatocytes.Conclusion Transcription of CIDEC can be activated by PPARγ and its coactivitor PGC1α.This activation results in accumulation of fat in liver cells.
出处 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期480-484,共5页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(2011CB504004) 国家自然科学基金(30971079 30800389 90919019)
关键词 PPAR γPGC1α CIDEC 转录调控 PPARγ PGC1α CIDEC transcriptional regulation
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