美姑县位于四川省西南部凉山州东北部。年均气温11.4℃,年均降雨量840 mm,年日照时数为1 790 h,无霜期240 d。立体气候明显,气候垂直差异大,具有气候冷凉、干燥、昼夜温差大、日照长、雨量充沛等特点,形成了适宜于马铃薯生产的特殊环境。选用高产抗病丰产马铃薯品种,配套丰产栽培技术推广应用,提高单位面积产量,增加农民收入具有重要意义。2008~2009年,结合马铃薯高产示范基地建设技术推广,在凉薯系列中选择凉薯17号作为美姑县高山部分地方的主栽品种进行推广,取得了良好的社会和经济效益。
Located in the northeast part of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture,southwest of Sichuan Province,Meigu County is richly endowed by climatic conditions with 11.4℃ of annual average temperature,840 mm of annual average precipitation,1 790 h of annual average hours of sunshine and 240 d of the forest-free days.Meigu enjoys a distinct stereoscopic climate and strong vertical difference of climate featuring cool and dry,great difference in temperature between day and night,long sunshine duration and abundant rainfall.That comes into being a special environment suitable for potato planting.It is significant for increasing the income of farmers by choosing high yield potato variety of disease resistance to cultivate,applying and extending the supporting planting technique of high yield,and raising the per hectare yield.In light of technical extension of the demonstrative base of high yield potato,Meigu chose Liangshu 17 among the series of Liangshu as a leading variety to plant in mountainous area of Meigu from the year of 2008 to 2009,resulting in sound social benefits and good economic returns.
Chinese Potato Journal
Liangshu 17
high yield
planting technique