目的 评价自行研制能讲话的声门外通气装置--食道鼻咽腔导管在脑功能区手术应用的可行性和安全性.方法 累及脑功能区手术患者13例,全麻诱导后置入食道鼻咽腔导管,外接麻醉机行机械通气.术中以唤醒麻醉技术让患者清醒并可带管讲话配合神经电生理监测下的脑功能区精确定位.结果 13例置管均顺利,通气良好,血气值正常,唤醒期带管讲话清晰、流利,脑功能区定位准确,致痫灶切除满意,无神经功能损伤.结论 食道鼻咽腔导管为一种自行研制的新型声门外通气装置,用于全麻唤醒不仅通气良好,而且带管讲话清晰,为脑功能区特别是语言区精确定位手术的麻醉提供了安全、可靠的通气方式和气道管理.
Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety of the self- developed sound outside the ventilation device - esophageal nasopharynx catheter in brain functional areas surgery applications. Methods 13 patients involved functional areas of brain surgery were chosed. After induction of general anesthesia, the catheters were placed in the esophagus, then connected to anesthesia machines to an external mechanical ventilation. During the operations anesthetic techniques for patients to awaken the conscious and can speak with a tube inside the mouth while the physiological monitoring of nerve and brain function area accurately done. Results 13 patients were smoothly intubated, the ventilation conditions were good, the blood gas values were normal The case wake up with a tube inside the mouth were clear and fluent speech, the brain function areas were accurate determined and the epilepsy focus resection were satisfactory with no neurological deficit. Conclusion The esophageal nasopharyngeal catheter as a new type of soud outside the ventilation equipment was used in the ventilation for general anesthesia wake - up function, not only the ventilation conditions were good, but also the patients could speak with a tube inside the mouth. It provided safe, reliable ventilation and airway management for the brain functional areas, particularly the language areas operations anesthesia, and fill the gap of the field
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery
Brain function area
Wake -up anesthesia
Esophageal nasopharyngeal catheter