
眩晕患者基底动脉弯曲及其危险因素的研究 被引量:15

Investigation on basilar artery curvature and its risk factors in patients with vertigo
摘要 目的研究眩晕患者基底动脉弯曲及其危险因素。方法调查237例眩晕患者的临床资料,并对其进行头颅MRA或CTA及血脂、血浆同型半胱氨酸检查。采用多因素Logistic回归分析寻找基底动脉弯曲的危险因素。结果本组237例患者中,基底动脉弯曲者64例(27.0%),基底动脉无弯曲者173例(73.0%)。基底动脉弯曲患者的年龄显著高于基底动脉无弯曲患者,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。基底动脉弯曲患者伴有高血压病、糖尿病、脑卒中史、冠心病、血低密度脂蛋白水平增高、基底动脉延长和椎动脉优势的比率均显著高于基底动脉无弯曲患者,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05~0.01)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,基底动脉延长(OR=21.56,95%CI:6.74~18.24,P=0.001)和椎动脉优势(OR=36.34,95%CI:6.98~24.38,P〈0.001)是基底动脉弯曲的危险因素。结论眩晕患者基底动脉弯曲的发生率较高。基底动脉延长和椎动脉优势是眩晕患者发生基底动脉弯曲的重要危险因素。 Objective To investigate the basilar artery curvature and its risk factors in patients with vertigo.Methods The clinical data of 237 patients with vertigo were understood.The cranium MRA or CTA and the levels of blood lipid,homocystine of all the patients were detected.The risk factors of basilar artery curvature were researched with multiple Logistic regression analysis.Results In this group of 237 patients,64 cases(27.0%) were inspected to exist in basilar artery curvature,and 173 cases(73.0%) were not found basilar artery curvature.The age of patients with basilar artery curvature were significantly higher than that of patients without basilar artery curvature(P0.01).And the rate of hypertensive disease,diabetes mellitus,stroke history,coronary heart disease,increased low density lipoprotein cholesterol,prolonged basilar artery and vertebral artery dominance in patients with basilar artery curvature were significantly higher than that in patients without basilar artery curvature(P0.05-0.01).Multiple regression analysis showed that prolonged basilar artery(OR=21.56,95%CI: 6.74-18.24,P=0.001) and vertebral artery dominance(OR=36.34,95%CI: 6.98-24.38,P0.001) were the risk factors of basilar artery curvature.Conclusions The ratio of basilar artery curvature is high in patients with vertigo.Prolonged basilar artery and vertebral artery dominance are important risk factors of basilar artery curvature in patients with vertigo.
出处 《临床神经病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期108-110,共3页 Journal of Clinical Neurology
关键词 眩晕 基底动脉弯曲 危险因素 基底动脉延长 椎动脉优势 vertigo basilar artery curvature risk factor prolonged basilar artery vertebral artery domi-nance
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