
在体兔眼压强-体积关系的实验研究 被引量:5

Research on pressure-volume relations for the rabbit eye in vivo
摘要 目的获得在体兔眼眼内压与眼球体积变化的关系。方法通过对在体兔眼前房以20μL/min的速度注入生理盐水100 min,记录眼内压随注水时间的变化数据。结果眼内压随注水时间的曲线呈非线性变化,可用分段函数拟合。曲线的上升段存在一特殊点(定义为拐点),此点前后的眼球刚度系数分别为(4.02±0.86)mmH2O/μL和(2.43±0.94)mmH2O/μL(1 mmH2O=9.8 Pa),有显著性差异。结论拐点的存在具有普遍性,注水速度和拐点位置均对眼球刚度系数有影响。眼内压随注水时间的拟合函数中部分拟和参数具有较明确的生理意义。 Objective To obtain pressure-volume relatioship for the rabbit eye in vivo.Method Physiological salt solution was injected with the rate of 20 μL/min through the limbus to the anterior chamber of the rabbit eye for 100 min and the intraocular pressure(IOP) was recorded.Results The relationship between IOP and injection time could be fitted to a segmented function with a characteristic point called IOPg.The ocular rigidity coefficients before and after this IOPg were(4.02 ± 0.86) mmH2O/μL and(2.43 ± 0.94) mmH2O/μL,respectively(1 mmH2O =9.8 Pa),showing significant difference.Conclusions IOPg existed in all curves of IOP and injec-tion time and the ocular rigidity coefficients were dependent on the injection rate and position of IOPg.Parameters of the fit function between IOP and injection time have definite physiological significance.
出处 《医用生物力学》 EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期137-141,共5页 Journal of Medical Biomechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(306001501 08020533 0670514) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(207001) 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划项目(KZ200710011010 KM200710025009) 北京市属市管高等学校人才强教计划资助项目 北京市科技新星培养计划(2007A076)
关键词 在体兔眼 压强体积关系 力学特性 眼球刚度 Rabbit eye in vivo Pressure-volume relationship Mechanical properties Ocular rigidity
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