一席菜肴吃上3天3夜才能吃完,要吃掉独道风味的324道绝妙菜肴,有滋有味地品尝出每道菜肴的色、香、味、美,吃出宫廷御膳的奥妙和中外食客的有口皆碑。它就是中国饮食文化的国粹、烹饪技艺的瑰宝、传奇菜肴的集大成者——满汉全席。 满汉全席的重新挖掘 满汉全席随着满清王朝的衰败而衰落、灭亡而消失。在封建王朝的末期到半封建、半殖民地的旧中国,满汉全席从逐渐衰落,到解放前夕已销声匿迹。它的制作厨艺、技术、配方、作料以及调味品配置已全都失传。满汉全席的重新挖掘、
Man-hang cooking is a famous traditional cuisine which integrates the wonderful Man and Hang Dynasty's cooking cultures. Indeed, it is not only well-known because of its 324 dishes or delicious taste, but also because of its special ingredients and cooking methods. Mr. Pang, the chef of Fangshan Restaurant, brings these famous dishes to life once more.
China Food Industry