
GDF15在铁过载及红系生成中的作用 被引量:3

Effect of GDF15 on Iron Overloading and Erythropoiesis—Review
摘要 无效红细胞生成被认为是非输注性铁过载患者铁过载的主要原因,在扩增的红系生成过程中原始红细胞的凋亡诱导转化生长因子15(GDF15)上调,后者抑制肝细胞铁调素的分泌,从而增加肠道铁吸收,引发铁过载。生理剂量的GDF15能促进原始红细胞的分化成熟,而高剂量的GDF15抑制铁调素的分泌。机体内铁水平、表观遗传修饰及组织缺氧均可能与GDF15的调控相关,本文就GDF15的表达与分布,GDF15在红系生成和铁过载中的作用以及GDF15的调控因素等问题进行综述。 Ineffective erythropoiesis is recognized as the principal reason of non-transfusional iron overload.In the process of expanded erythropoiesis,the apoptosis of erythroblasts induces the up-regulation of GDF15.GDF15 suppresses hepcidin production by the hepatocytes.Subsequently,low hepcidin levels increase iron absorption from the intestine resulting in iron overload.Physiological dose of GDF15 can promote the growth and differentiation of erythroid progenitors,but the high dose of GDF15 can suppress the secretion of hepcidin.The regulation of GDF15 may also be related to iron levels,epigenetic regulation and hypoxia.In this article the GDF15 and its expression and distribution,roles of GDF15 in exythropoiesis and iron overload,as well as the regulation factors of GDF15 are reviewed.
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2011年第2期537-541,共5页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
关键词 凋亡诱导转化生长因子15 红细胞生成 铁过载 GDF15 erythropoiesi iron overload
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