随着互连网的广泛应用,“ARP”欺骗类病毒随之肆虐,充斥我们网络的不同角落给我们的管理工作带来各种各样的问题。ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析协议)是一个位于TCP/IP协议栈中的低层协议,负责将某个IP地址解析成对应的MAC地址。一旦这个环节出错,我们就不能正常和目标主机进行通信,致使整个网络瘫痪。本文就ARP欺骗原理以及若干解决方法作了简单的阐述。
With the extensive application of the lnternet, "ARP" deceit-like virus outbreak followed, full of different parts of our network management to bring our wide range of issues. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, Address Resolution Protocol) is a located in the TCP / IP protocol stack in the low-level protocol, responsible for IP address resolution into a corresponding MAC address. Once the link error, we can not communicate properly and the target host, resulting in paralysis of the entire network. In this paper, principle of ARP spoofing and a number of solutions is briefly described.
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