
应用PCR法对日本儿童口腔内4种牙周致病菌的检测 被引量:4

Detection of Bacteria Related to Periodontal Disease in Oral Cavities of Japanese Children by Species-specific PCR
摘要 目的:应用PCR检测日本儿童口腔内牙龈卟啉单胞菌,伴放线放线杆菌,中间普氏菌以及福赛斯坦氏菌4种牙周病致病菌,并探讨检出结果与牙周临床检查参数之间的关系。方法:被检儿童为昭和大学齿科病院儿童牙病科就诊的儿童。随机选取全身健康的儿童37名作为被检对象,在上颌右侧中切牙和上颌右侧第一磨牙的近中唇、颊面采取龈上菌斑,应用PCR法检测牙周致病菌;临床检查包括口腔内检查、探诊深度及牙龈探诊后出血。结果:临床检查结果显示37名儿童均未患有牙周病。牙周致病菌检测结果显示Pg检出率为21.6%,Aa、Pi、Tf三菌种检出率为55%~58%。混合牙列期Aa、Pi、Tf检出率增高和恒牙列完成期检出率减低的倾向。Pg与牙龈探诊后出血之间未见相关,而Aa、Pi、Tf的检出率呈BOP阳性部位高于BOP阴性部位的倾向。结论:本研究结果显示6~18岁儿童龈上菌斑中高频度存在着牙周致病菌。为早期预防牙周病,对将来患牙周病危险性高的儿童进行早期筛查,并且从儿童时期采取预防措施非常必要。 Objective:To detect the presence of four putative periodontopathic bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis(P.g),Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans(A.a),Prevotella intermedia(P.i),and Tannerella forsythus(T.f) using PCR in the oral cavities of children,and then investigate relationships between bacterial species and various clinical parameters.Methods:The subjects of 37 children were enrolled the pediatric dental clinic at the Showa University Dental Hospital in Japan.Children with systematic diseases were not excluded.The supragingival plaque sample was collected from the mesiobuccal and labial surfaces of the right maxillary central incisor and the right maxillary first molar.The intraoral examination and following clinical parameters were also assessed:probing depth(PD) and Bleeding On Probing(BOP).Results:In this study,detection rate for P.g was 21.6% and A.a,P.i and B.f were detected from 55% to 58%.In addition,detection rates for A.a,P.i and T.f were high in children with mixed dentition,but low in those with permanent dentition.There was no correlation between P.g and BOP.Detection rates of A.a,P.i and T.f were higher for BOP(+) positions than for BOP(-) positions.Detection rates of putative periodontopathic bacteria from healthy children of 6-18 years' old were higher in this study.Conclusion:The result suggested that it was necessary to search for children having a high risk factor for periodontal disease in childhood.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期306-310,共5页 Journal of Oral Science Research
基金 吉林省科技发展计划(编号:20050703-5) 2003年度日本文部省科学研究补助资金[基盘研究(B)(2)课题代码1347056] 2010年度首都医科大学基础临床科研合作课题(1000170704-10JL57)
关键词 PCRPgAa牙周致病菌 PCR Porphyromonas gingivalis Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Putative periodontopathic bacteria
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