
非历史的与历史的:鲍希曼的被冷落与梁思成的早期学术思想 被引量:4

Unhistorical or Historical: the Phenomena of Boersch-mann's Books Uncared-for and Liang's Early Academic Idea
摘要 本文从《中国营造学社汇刊》中所透露的20世纪初期外国学者对中国建筑进行研究的部分信息,以及其中反映出来的对于德国学者鲍希曼多少有些冷落的现象出发,对梁思成在20世纪30年代以来的学术活动与论著中透露出来的中国建筑史研究的基本意趣与价值取向与从鲍希曼的部分著作中所观察到的有关中国建筑的基本学术态度与方法进行了一些初步的比较,既希望籍此以说明鲍希曼的被冷落有其中国建筑史学术发展史上的特殊原因,也从一个侧面对梁思成早期学术思想进行了一个简单的梳理与观察。 This article sets foot on the phenomena of the desolation of German scholar Boerschmann's books, based on part of the research information about Chinese architecture by foreign scholars in early 1900s, according to Bulletins of the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture. It also makes primary contrast between the basic interest and value orientation of Study on history of Chinese architecture, reflected from the academic activities and essays by Liang Sicheng in 1930s, and the basic academic attitude and methodology related to Chinese architecture observed from part of the works by Boerschmann. It aims at specifying the unique reasons for the desolation of Boerschmann' s thoughts from the angle of the academic development of Chinese architecture, and meanwhile trimming and observing the early academic thoughts of Liang Sicheng to some degree.
作者 王贵祥
出处 《建筑师》 2011年第2期76-86,共11页 The Architect
关键词 20世纪初 鲍希曼 梁思成 中国建筑史 早期学术思想 early 1900s Boerschmann Liang Sicheng development of Chinese architecture early academic thoughts
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