Indoor modeling experiments for seawater freezing and evaporating into brine were carried out in order to identify the hydrochemistry symbol of the brine formatted by seawater freezing. In these experimend, a oneallmensional and single directory freezing model and a naturally evoprating model were thepted; as a result of the experiments, 5 ice columns, 5 freezing and 2evaporating brine sampes were obtalned. The chemistry compositions and the stable hydrogen isotop constitutions were analyzed for the residtal brines and for the ice. The value of δD, whose behavior during the freezing of seawarer is repoded here, shows a distinct bend between two physical processes of seawater freezing and seawarer evaporating, compared to the original seawater.In the pngess of seawater freezing, the 6D values of brines decrease in response to an increase in itS concentration. However, in the process of seawarer evaporating, they show an increase trend.Hence, the δD value of brines can be used as a hydrochemical symbol for distingulshing brines formed by seawater freezing with those formed by seawater evaporating.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica