
深水实验缸旋转支撑机构设计及安全性分析 被引量:2

Design and Security Analysis of the Rotary Support Mechanism of Deepwater Experiment Device
摘要 深水管柱力学实验系统是为研究深水管柱力学行为而研制的特殊装置,其中的旋转支撑机构是深水管柱力学实验缸的旋转定位装置,对整个实验系统的安全运行和实验的顺利进行都有重要作用。介绍了旋转支撑机构的设计,使用有限元对旋转支撑机构进行了应力和变形分析,结果表明,旋转支撑机构结构安全可靠,完全可以满足实验设备的支撑和旋转需要。 Deepwater tubular mechanical experiment system is a special device developed for studying the mechanical behavior of the deepwater tubular.As the slewing device of the deepwater tubular mechanical experiment device,the rotary support mechanism plays an important role in the safe operation of the experimental system and the smooth conduct of the experiment.This paper introduced the design of the rotary support mechanism.At the same time,it analyzed stress and deformation of the rotating shaft hoop.The result showed that the structure is reliable and it could completely satisfy experimental equipment support and rotation needs.This simple and economical design can provide a reference for the future development of similar products.
出处 《石油矿场机械》 2011年第5期14-17,共4页 Oil Field Equipment
基金 国家科技重大专项子课题"深水钻井工程设计关键技术研究"(2008ZX05026-001-01)资助
关键词 深水 实验 旋转支撑 有限元 安全性 deepwater experiment rotary support finite element security
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