
油藏井间动态连通性反演方法研究 被引量:21

Study on inversion for reservoir inter-well dynamic connectivity
摘要 随着油藏的不断开发,油藏参数发生了很大变化,静态连通性已经不能准确反映油层性质。基于注采井的生产动态数据,应用系统分析思想提出了对油藏井间动态连通性进行定量反演的研究方法,分别介绍了基于注采数据的多元线性回归模型和改进的多元线性回归模型。通过模型求解得到了表征油藏井间动态连通程度的权重系数。结合油藏数值模拟技术,验证了模型的有效性。应用2种不同模型分别反演了概念模型的井间动态连通性,并进行了对比分析。结果表明,在油藏岩石和流体耗散严重的情况下,改进的多元线性回归模型引入非线性扩散滤波系数能有效地消除注入信号时滞性和衰减性的影响,能够获得较好的井间动态连通性反演效果。 With the reservoir development, the reservoir parameters have changed greatly, therefore, the static connectivity can no longer reflect the nature of the reservoir accurately. Based on the production performance data of injection-production wells, methods of quantitative inversion for reservoir inter-well dynamic connectivity are forward with the system analysis idea. We have introduced a multi linear regression model and an advanced multi linear regression model based on injection-production data. Through the model solution, the weight factor which characterizes the degree of reservoir inter-well connectivity can be obtained. Combining with reservoir numerical simulation technology, validity of the two inversion methods of reservoir inter-well dynamic connectivity is verified. The inter-well dynamic connectivity of the typical reservoir conceptual model is inferred thereafter, and the two inversion methods are carried out with systematic comparative analysis.
作者 张明安
出处 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期70-73,116,共4页 Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency
关键词 井间动态连通性 定量反演 生产动态 多元回归 数学模型 inter-well dynamic connectivity quantitative regression production performance multi linear regression math- ematical model
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