

Correlation between attachment styles and loneliness in students of a comprehensive university
摘要 目的研究大学生依恋类型和孤独感的相关性。方法选取山西大学一至四年级273名本科生作为被试,采用关系问卷(RQ)、孤独感量表(UCLA)2个量表为测量工具,调查其依恋类型及孤独感并进行相关分析。结果大学生群体中4种依恋类型的比例由大到小依次为安全型(40.3%)、专注型(26.7%)、恐惧型(18.3%)和忽视型(14.7%)。性别、年级、专业和生源地对4种依恋类型的影响差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);大学生安全依恋类型与孤独感之间呈显著的负相关。结论大学生的依恋类型以安全型为主,依恋类型与孤独感密切相关。 Objective To investigate the correlation between the attachment styles and loneliness in university students. Methods A total of 273 students in Shanxi University were selected and investigated with a Relational Questionnaire(RQ) and UCLA Loneliness Scale(UCLA).Results From big to small,the proportions of four kinds of the attachment styles were securing attachment style(40.3%),dismissing attachment style(26.7%),preoccupied attachment style(26.7%),and fearful attachment style(18.3%).The attachment styles had no significant difference among gender,grades,majors and source place of the students.There was a significantly negative relation between securing attachment style and loneliness. Conclusions The main attachment style of college students is a securing attachment style,and there is a close correlation between the attachment styles and loneliness.
作者 孔鑫 葛玲
出处 《中国校医》 2011年第5期327-328,共2页 Chinese Journal of School Doctor
关键词 成年人 学生 人际关系 客体依恋 孤独 Adult Student Interpersonal Relationship Object Attachment Loneliness
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