目的探讨早期干预护理及保健指导对极低出生体质量儿的影响。方法 30例极低出生体质量儿,进行早期干预护理,如早期保暖、及时保持呼吸道通畅、根据血氧分压值持续或间断吸氧,早期微量母乳喂养,严格各种消毒隔离制度,预防感染,开展婴儿抚触及保健指导。结果经早期干预护理,患儿平均住院日减少,治愈率增加;新生儿硬肿症、吸入综合征明显减少(P<0.05)。早期进行保健指导的患儿,新生儿肺炎、消化不良明显减少(P<0.005)。极低出生体重儿的各系统发育极不成熟,适应能力差,免疫力低下,死亡率高。保暖、早期小量母乳喂养、严格无菌操作可减少患儿的临床发病,从而提高了生存质量。结论极低出生体质量儿进行早期干预护理及出院保健指导,减少了平均住院日,降低了并发症的发生。
Objective To explore the effect of early intervention nursing care on infants with very low birth weight. Methods A total of 128 infants with very low birth weight were intervened with early intervention nursing care,such as the early warm,maintaining respiratory system unobstructed,breathe oxygen continually or intermittently,early minim breast-feeding,strict disinfection and isolation,prevention from infection,and infant massage and health guidance for mothers. Results The average days of staying in hospital decreased and the cure rate increased.Newborn sclerosis and breathing syndrome decreased significantly(P0.05),and pneumonia and dyspepsia also decreased (P0.01).Conclusions The early intervention nursing care and hospital guidance reduce the average days of staying in hospital and reduce the disease incidence in infants with very low birth weight.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor