
对跨文化团队中信任问题的质性实证研究 被引量:2

Qualitative Empirical Research on Trust in Intercultural Teams
摘要 文章以中德团队为例研究了跨文化团队内聚力发展中的要素之一——信任,探索了信任的特性、功能等及其与沟通、交互性等要素的相互作用,并揭示了中德员工信任理念的异同之处。在理论研究的基础上,文章提出了三个假设,然后,文章采用质性访谈的实证研究方法访谈了数十位中德员工,采用质性内容分析法对其中32个访谈进行了研究。文章描述了该分析结果对前期假设的验证,并总结出一些其他发现。 This paper examines trust as one of the factors of intercultural team process,reveals its characteristics,functions and the interaction between trust and communication,etc.,and compares the similarities and differences in trust concepts of Chinese and German stuffs.Based on the theoretical research,this paper puts forward 3 assumptions,and then uses qualitative interviews as one of the empirical research methods,interviews dozens of Sino-German team employees as examples,and uses qualitative content analysis method to analyze 32 of the interviews.Based on the results of the analysis,early hypotheses are verified,meanwhile,some other discoveries are also concluded.
作者 于景涛
出处 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 CSSCI 2011年第3期107-116,共10页 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
基金 对外经济贸易大学校级科研课题"德国网络媒休中的中国文化"(批准号:10YBYYX01)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 信任 跨文化团队 内聚力 交互性 沟通 Trust Intercultural teams Cohesion Reciprocity Communication
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