
锰锌·氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂对马铃薯晚疫病的防效研究 被引量:1

Effects of Mancozed·Flumorph 50% WP on Phytothora infestans de Bary
摘要 马铃薯晚疫病(Phytothora infestans de Bary)是世界马铃薯生产中最具毁灭性的病害,由于马铃薯晚疫病菌的变异性及其能形成稳定遗传的抗药性,开发新型杀菌剂成为防治马铃薯晚疫病的有效措施。近年来,锰锌.氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂作为新型杀菌剂对卵菌纲真菌的防治效果突出。为验证该药剂对马铃薯晚疫病的防治效果,本文在黑龙江省马铃薯主产区内随机选择了3个试验点,并于2008年和2009年连续2年进行了该药剂对马铃薯晚疫病的防效研究,结果表明:在各供试处理中,锰锌.氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂(3次,1 125ga.i./hm2)对马铃薯晚疫病具有很好的防治效果(平均防效>85%),锰锌·氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂(3次,750ga.i./hm2)和霜脲.锰锌72%可湿性粉剂(3次,1 080ga.i./hm2)的防效相当(平均防效均在80%左右),也表现出对抗晚疫病有较好的防治作用;并且,各供试药剂处理均能提高马铃薯产量,锰锌·氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂(3次,1 125g a.i./hm2)的增产率最高,2008年平均增产率为19.51%,2009年平均增产率为21.08%。这表明,锰锌·氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂不仅对马铃薯晚疫病有较好的防治效果,还可以保证马铃薯稳产、增产。 Potato late blight,caused by Phytothora infestans,is a most serious disease in the potato growing areas all over the world.Due to the variation of Phytothora infestans and its resistance to the agrochemicals,it is necessary to develop new kinds of pesticide to prevent and cure the potato late blight.Recently,mancozed·flumorph 50% WP had been identified as a good pesticide for the control of potato late blight.The field trails of mancozed·flumorph 50% WP on the potato late blight were carried out in Heilongjiang province in 2008 and 2009.The results showed that the mancozed·flumorph 50% WP(3times,1 125g a.i./hm2)can prevent and cure the potato late blight effectivelly(the control effects are more than 85%),while the effect of mancozed·flumorph 50%WP(3times,750g a.i./hm2)and cymoxanil-mancozeb 50% WP(3times,1 080g a.i./hm2)are equivalent(average control effects are about 80%).At the same time,the production of potato were measured,the results showed that the increase of production treated with mancozed·flumorph 50% WP(3 times,1 125g a.i./hm2)is the best than the others,the increase of the production are 19.51% and 21.08% respeterly in 2008 and 2009.It indicates that mancozed·flumorph 50% WP can not only prevent Phytothora infestans effectivly,but also can insure the production of potato.
出处 《农药科学与管理》 CAS 2011年第5期47-51,共5页 Pesticide Science and Administration
关键词 马铃薯晚疫病 锰锌·氟吗啉50%可湿性粉剂 防效 phytothora infestans mancozed·flumorph 50% WP control effect
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