
Applying model simulation and photochemical indicators to evaluate ozone sensitivity in southern Taiwan 被引量:4

Applying model simulation and photochemical indicators to evaluate ozone sensitivity in southern Taiwan
摘要 Ozone sensitivity was investigated using CAMx simulations and photochemical indicator ratios at three sites (Pingtung City, Chao-Chou Town, and Kenting Town) in Pingtung County in southern Taiwan during 2003 and 2004. The CAMx simulations compared fairly well with the hourly concentrations of ozone. Simulation results also showed that Pingtung City was mainly a volatile organic compounds (VOC)-sensitive regime, while Chao-Chou Town was either a VOC-sensitive or a NOx-sensitive regime, depending on the seasons. Measurements of three photochemical indicators (H202, HNO3, and NOy) were conducted, and simulated three transition ranges of H202/HNO3 (0.5-0.8), O3/HNO3 (10.3-16.2) and O3/NOy (5.7-10.8) were adopted to assess the ozone sensitive regime at the three sites. The results indicated that the three transition ranges yield consistent results with CAMx simulations at most times at Pingtung City. However, both VOC-sensitive and NOx-sensitive regimes were important at the rural site Chao-Chou Town. Kenting Town, a touring site at the southern end of Taiwan, was predominated by a NOx-sensitive regime in four seasons. Ozone sensitivity was investigated using CAMx simulations and photochemical indicator ratios at three sites (Pingtung City, Chao-Chou Town, and Kenting Town) in Pingtung County in southern Taiwan during 2003 and 2004. The CAMx simulations compared fairly well with the hourly concentrations of ozone. Simulation results also showed that Pingtung City was mainly a volatile organic compounds (VOC)-sensitive regime, while Chao-Chou Town was either a VOC-sensitive or a NOx-sensitive regime, depending on the seasons. Measurements of three photochemical indicators (H202, HNO3, and NOy) were conducted, and simulated three transition ranges of H202/HNO3 (0.5-0.8), O3/HNO3 (10.3-16.2) and O3/NOy (5.7-10.8) were adopted to assess the ozone sensitive regime at the three sites. The results indicated that the three transition ranges yield consistent results with CAMx simulations at most times at Pingtung City. However, both VOC-sensitive and NOx-sensitive regimes were important at the rural site Chao-Chou Town. Kenting Town, a touring site at the southern end of Taiwan, was predominated by a NOx-sensitive regime in four seasons.
出处 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期790-797,共8页 环境科学学报(英文版)
基金 supported by the Environmental Protection Bureau,Government of Pingtung County,Taiwan,China
关键词 photochemical indicator ozone sensitivity volative organic compounds NOx CAMX photochemical indicator ozone sensitivity volative organic compounds NOx CAMx
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