为揭示煤中有机硫的赋存状态及其地质成因,采用电子探针微区分析和硫同位素分析技术对华北地区山西大同、太原西山、霍州以及安徽淮南4 个矿区的8 层晚古生代的煤层进行了研究.海水的作用对有机硫的聚集起着十分重要的影响.煤的不同显微组分中有机硫的质量分数存在明显差异,镜质组中有机硫的质量分数高于其在惰质组的质量分数.硫在煤中的聚集是一个逐渐累积的过程,有机硫的聚集一般滞后于黄铁矿硫的聚集.泥炭沼泽条件控制着硫源和硫酸盐还原菌的活动性,进而影响了煤中有机硫质量分数的高低.凝胶化指数越大,有机硫的质量分数越高.
In order to reveal the occurrence state and origin of organic sulfur in the coal, both the electron_probe micro_area analysis and the sulfur isotopic analysis have been employed in this paper to make a systematic research into the eight Paleozoic coal seams in Datong, Xishan of Taiyuan and Huozhou, Shanxi, North China, and in the four Huainan mining districts of Anhui Province respectively. A very important significant effect can be observed of the sea water on the accumulation of the organic sulfur in the coal. A marked difference can also be observed in the mass fraction of the organic sulfur between different macerals in the coal. The mass fraction of the organic sulfur in the vitrinite is greater than that in the inertinite. The accumulation of sulfur in the coal is a gradual process. The accumulation of the organic sulfur usually lagged behind that of the pyritic sulfur. The peat swamp conditions control the source of sulfur and the activity of sulfate reducing bacteria, affecting the mass fraction of the organic sulfur in the coal. The greater the gelification, the greater the organic sulfur mass fraction. No obvious relationship exists between conservative index of the plant structure and the mass fraction of the organic sulfur.
Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences