研制开发的抽油机井无线数据采集与监控系统,是由一个设在控制室内的中心主站、若干分站及设在抽油机井变压器旁的子站组成。工作时,子站若发现抽油机参数异常,立即向主站报告;主站接收到报警后,具有声光报警功能,可随时通过点井查看某口井的参数,可对全部油井自动定时循环检测各项参数。主站软件采用目前较流行的 Visual Basic编程语言;子站软件用 8051汇编语言编写。该系统经现场1年多时间连续运行,工作可靠,性能稳定,操作简单。不仅适用于油田生产,也适用于其它恶劣环境下的数据采集与监控过程。
The system are composed of center main station, many branch stations installed in control room and many substations fixed beside transformer of pumping well. If substation discovers error parameter of pumping well, it can report to main station immediately. Main station has the alarm function of sound and light after receiving alarm and can look over the parameter of pump well by clicking the well number in main screen , main station can automaticly measure every parameter to all pumping wells.
Oil-Gas Field Surface Engineering