
现代法治文明元叙事中的社群主义修辞学 被引量:9

The Communitarianism Rhetoric in Metanarrative Rhetoric in Modern Civilization of Rule of Law
摘要 社群主义表达了对现代和后现代的焦虑。它并不颠覆现代法治文明的元叙事,而是将其界定为一种修辞学。它诊断西方现代法治文明的病症在于责任连续性论证的缺乏与根本性制度保证的缺失。它认为权利、正义与宪政必须以认同和承认社群公共善为先决条件,责任的连续性是社群公共善的根本保证。社群主义激发了新儒学复兴传统的愿望。当西方法治文明的历时性问题浓缩为我国的共时性问题时,当下关键的问题是必须对我国现实到底是缺乏权利还是责任的连续性论证与根本性制度保证作出审慎的判断,才能确定当下我国法治的重心。 Communitarianism expresses anxiety on modern and postmodern times, which does not subvert the metanarrative of the modern rule of civilized ,but will define the kind of rhetoric. It diagnoses the disease of modern Western civilization is the lack of responsibility which demonstrated the continuity of the system and the fundamental system guarantee of the missing. It believed that rights, justice and constitutional recognition of the community must be recognized and the public good and a prerequisite for the continuity of responsibility is the fundamental guarantee for the community public good. Communitarianism inspired new aspirations for the revival of traditional Confucianism. When the diachronic problem of Western law civilization enriches the synchronic problem arisen in China, then the key problem is whether the reality in our country is lack of right or the responsibility of continuity demonstration and fundamental system guarantee make prudent judgment on earth, to determine the gravity of present rule of law of our country.
作者 程关松
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期3-16,共14页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 国家社科基金重点项目:"党的领导 人民当家作主 依法治国有机统一研究"(编号:07AFX007)的阶段性理论成果
关键词 法治文明 社群主义 元叙事 修辞学 the civilization of rule of law communitarianism metanarrative rhetoric
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