The oil product sales companies of petroleum giants PetroChina and SINOPEC have already very well established their sales networks of super-chain retail filling stations across China's Mainland in the course of reorganization and development over the past 20 years. However their staff training systems have been a bottleneck hindering further growth and lacking a wholesome, inclusive, and progressive orientation. Their current systems are irrelevant, repetitive, or not useful, or aim far beyond what is needed. To rationalize the management of retail operations, training systems should be targeted to five levels of personnel, namely provincial executives, city executives, district or zone managers, station supervisors, and station operators. Training of provincial, city, and district or zone level personnel focuses on management, while that of station supervisors and operators concentrates on service-provision. In these training modules, the courses at any particular level are divided into two stages, namely for promoted personnel and for in-place personnel, in other words pre-induction training and on-the-job training which can complement each other.
International Petroleum Economics