In view of the fact that existing high-resolution geophysical logging techniques have severe limitation, a new high-resolution processing technique for geophysical logging data has been developed which is based on resolution in formation entropyResolution in formation entropy is defined as the times for which a logging curve goes across zero line after average value is subtracted from the curveland it means resolution level of logging curve and is a measure of resolution information.Resolution information entropy is characterized as definiteness, nonnegativeity, additivity, relativity and so on. Characteristics of resolution information curve in frequency domain are as follows:amplitude decreases with the increase of frequency till a frequency value 3both effective frequency band width and amplitude of the low frequency part decrease with the variation of resloution in formation curve. Thus, the resolution in formation entropy of logging curve may be improved by changing frequency structure, so that the resolution of logging curve will be ameliorated desirably.In this technique, a high-resolution logging curve is taken as standard curve to adjust frequency structure of a matched logging curve, or to add the frequency involving high-resolution informations to the matched curve to thus improve resolution of the matched curve. All matched curves refer to standard logging curve and only resolution informations are processed, so that processed logging curves have reliable resolution and correct values.
Oil Geophysical Prospecting
geophysica1 logging, high resolution, resolution information entropy, frequency structure, effective frequency band, frequency compensation