
横向并购背景下的品牌整合——以美的集团为案例 被引量:5

Brand Integration in Post-horizontal Mergers and Acquisitions——A Case Study of Midea Group
摘要 国内外专门针对横向并购背景下的品牌整合问题鲜有研究。在文献综述的基础上,本文以美的集团为研究对象,采用规范的案例研究方法对其品牌整合战略、影响战略决策的关键因素以及品牌整合绩效进行了深入分析。在案例研究的基础上,进一步提出了四种品牌整合战略类型,结合案例分析中得到的六个影响因素及两个调节变量,将品牌整合绩效作为结果变量,构建了品牌整合研究的理论框架。最后,对研究结论、局限性和未来研究方向进行了阐述。 Very little research has been done on brand integration in post-horizontal mergers and acquisitions(M&As) both at home and abroad. Based on the literature review of brand integration in the context of M&As, this paper studies the brand integration process in post-horizontal M&As through an in-depth case study on Midea Group, including Midea' s brand integration strategies, key factors in the strategic decision-making process and integration performance. On the basis of the case study, the paper brings forward four brand integration strategies and develops a theoretical framework for brand integration in post-horizontal M&As. Apart from the four brand integration strategies, the framework also consists of six key factors and two moderators obtained from the case study, and uses integration performance as an outcome variable. Finally, the conclusions, limitations and the prospects of the study are stated.
出处 《管理案例研究与评论》 2011年第2期102-111,共10页 Journal of Management Case Studies
关键词 美的集团 横向并购 品牌整合 Midea group post-horizontal M&As brand integration
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