
美国国会图书馆的亚洲文献——一个历史的回顾 被引量:3

Asian Collections in the US Library of Congress——A Historical Overview
摘要 美国国会图书馆亚洲部收藏了大量的中文和蒙藏文献、日文文献、韩文文献、东南亚文献及南亚文献。回顾美国国会图书馆馆藏亚洲文献的源起与发展,其中不乏独具特色且稀有珍贵的手稿和善本,历史久远,内容丰富。美国国会图书馆对于外文馆藏的开发与利用极为重视,其"学术为天下之公器"的馆藏精神尤为值得借鉴和学习。 The Asian Division of the US Library of Congress has collected a large amount of Chinese,Mongolian,Tibetan,Japanese,Korean,Southeast Asian,and South Asian publications and documents.By reviewing the origin and development of these Asian collections,it is evident that there are many unique and rare manuscripts and rare books with long history and rich contents.The US Library of Congress has paid special attention to the collection and utilization of publications and documents of foreign languages.Its collection spirit as "the public resource for worldwide scholarly use" is admirable,and sets a good example for other libraries.
作者 李华伟 李婧
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期5-8,共4页 Library Development
关键词 美国国会图书馆 亚洲文献 外文馆藏 US Library of Congress Asian collection Foreign language collection
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Asian Division, Library of Congress.The Chinese Collection in the Library of Congress: A Brief Introduction[M]. Washington, DC: Chinese Section, Asian Division, Library of Congress, 2001:5-6.
  • 3Asian Division, Library of Congress.The Chinese Collection[M]. Washington, DC: Asian Division, the Library of Congress, 2010.
  • 4Asian Division, Library of Congress.The Tibetan Collection[M]. Washington, DC: Asian Division, Library of Congress, 2002,.
  • 5Asian Division, Library of Congress. The Japanese Collection[M]. Washington, DC: Asian Division, the Library of Congress, 2010.
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  • 7Asian Division, Library of Congress.The Korean Collection[M]. Washington, DC: Asian Division, the Library of Congress, 2010.
  • 8Asian Division, Library of Congress.The Southeast Asian Collection [M]. Washington, DC: Asian Division, Library of Congress, 2010.
  • 9Asian Division, Library of Congress.The South Asian Collection[M]. Washington, DC: Asian Division, Library of Congress, 2002.
  • 10The Library of Congress in South Asia. Celebrating 40 Years of Bibliographic and Cultural Exchanges[M]. New Delhi: Library of Congress Office, 2002:16.


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