
大学生面众交流恐惧的心理测量学初探 被引量:7

A Psychometric Study of the Audience-facing Communication Apprehension Scale for Chinese College Students
摘要 研制测量大学生面众交流恐惧的量表。采用初测量表在西南地区师范类与非师范类大学随机测查349名大学生,对回收有效数据进行探索性因素分析。采用正式量表对西南地区师范类与非师范类619名大学生进行施测,将回收有效问卷进行分半处理,将其中一半的数据作为验证性因素分析;另一半数据作为交互效度分析。3个星期后,量表重测信度为.88。验证性因素分析结果表明,大学生面众交流恐惧量表由4个维度构成,分别是上台恐惧,社交交流恐惧、小组交流恐惧和交流自信。交互效度的检验表明该量表具有测量恒等性,可使用于大学生不同样本的测量。 Communication apprehension has a negative influence on a person's study and life (M_cCroskey,1978). At present, there are two important scales for examining social phobia or anxiety, the Conmatmication Apprehension Scale (PRCA-24) and the Personal Report of Cxa'ffidence as a Speaker(PRCS). However, the above-mentioned scales only examines social phobia from subjective experence and behaaviortr. While there are different cultural backgrcamds in Westem and Eastern rasearh (Zhong Jie, Li Bo, Qian Mingyi. 2002), no native mmmunication apprehension scale has ever been published for Chinese college students in China. Eventually, we suppos developed one according to the actual background of Chinese college students and examine the reliability and validity of the audience-faring corranunication apprehension and named it the Chinese Commtmication Apprehension Scale(CCAS). We used a 3-phase procedure to develop it. First, we reviewed a great deal of relevant reference and different social phobic scales, and cbese proper adjectives in order to describe social phobic disorders; Second, we held open-interviews among college students to collect information, and then formed a preliminary survey; Finally, we had 3 psychok:gy professors, 5 postgraduates and a clinical psychology doctor to evaluate each itma for clarity, specificity, and representativeness. During the investigation, we also adopted 3 steps. First, we had 400 students frcrn teachers' and noneachers' universities in southwest China for the pre-survey. 349 usable data(191 maie,158 female)were obtained for itmas analysis in order to va3rt formal scale. Second, 760 participants from universities in Gniztho,Yonnan, Siehuan provinces took part in the fomaal survey. 619 usable data (252 male,367 female) were divided into two parts, one part to be used for confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) the other for cross-validity analysis. Finally, three weeks later, 100 participants took a retest for test-reliability. The results show that the (2CAN has four factors with 20 items: lecture apprehension, social communication appreherrsion, group communication apprehension, and eommtmication confidence. The CFA showed the fimess of the high order factor of the scale: CMIN/DF = 1. 692, GFI =. 916, IFI =. 940, NNFI =. 930, CFI =. 939, RMSEA =. 047. The whole scale's consistency reliability was. 903, and the test-retest reliability was . 88. Cxmfirmatory factor arMy-sis studies show the structure of the CCAS is rational. The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, content validity, construct validity of the OCAS enatirely meet psyelxrnetrie demands. The (I2AS can be used as an effective and reliable tool for assessing college students' mmmunication apprehension.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期755-760,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般项目"大学生面众恐惧现状与矫治对策研究"(BBA100019)阶段性成果
关键词 面众交流恐惧 上台恐惧 交流自信 社交交流恐惧 小组交流恐惧 大学生 Audience-facing Communicaton Apprehension, Lecture Apprehension, Ccrcanunication Confidence, Social Communication Apprehension, Group Communication Apprehension, College student
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