The spherical model of the vocational interest structure has been demonstrated by several studies and has much more advantages in guiding the scale development of vocational interest and counseling practice in the field of vocation psychology. This empirical study endeavors to test the spherical model of vocational interest structures with a sample of Chinese college students and terminally obtain a brief vocational interest scale based on the spherical model of vocational interest structures. A sample of 5831 undergraduate students was asked to give evaluation of their acquaintance to a sample of 140 occupational titles on the 5-point Likert Scale. The items were selected from the vocational interest scale developed by the National Education Examination Authority of the Ministry of Education, the People' s Republic of China. The number of specialties of the subjects amounted to 129. An attempt at the development examination of a spherical structure model of vocational interest was made. Multidimensional scaling analysis on the item level responses supported the presence of the three dimensions with the stress value of 0.28 and 72 % of variance accounted for. The three dimensions could be named data-idea, people-thing and prestige according to the meaning of the items with the high absolute coordinate values on them, which supported the previous studies by James Round and Lirong Long. The configuration of the structures on every plane formed by the three dimensions' combinations turned out to be circular-shape. And the three-dimension configuration clearly presented a solid sphere. As is known, the items located on the surface of the sphere have the largest discrimination value and are highly valuable in explaining the difference of subjects. With Terence's methods, principle component analysis was conducted and three principle components were subtracted by which 57.5 percent of the total variance was accounted for, and twenty-four subscales were created for the geometrically defined combinations of the three dimensions which corresponded with prestige, people-thing, and data-idea. A hypothesized spherical model was created with these subscales lying on the surface of the sphere. This spherical representation was then examined by means of randomization tests executed by the programs of RANDALL and 18RQND96. Strong support was yielded for every circular structure on the three two-dimension planes formed by the three dimensions' combination and the three-dimension spherical structure. The correspondence index (CI) resulted from the randomization tests of the three planes varied from . 6285 to . 8854 and all the corresponding P values were less than . 002. The CI of the spherical structure was . 4303 and the P value was less than . 001. A^s the terminal result, a brief vocational interest scale was formed with 18 subscales and three underlying dimensions which could provide much richer information than the existing vocational interest questionnaires based on Holland' s two-dimension hexagon model. The results of this study demonstrated again that the spherical model of vocational interest is valid for Chinese undergraduates with regard to the questions in the form of job titles. One of the limitations of the present study is that it fails to examine whether or not there is a relationship between the congruence of an individual' s vocational interests and academic major.
Journal of Psychological Science
vocational interest, multidimensional scaling analysis, spherical representation model