
用于海底观测网络水下接驳盒的电能监控系统 被引量:7

Power Monitoring and Control System for Underwater Junction Boxes of Sub-sea Cabled Observatory Networks
摘要 海底观测网络科学仪器的电能是由陆地电网通过光电复合海缆和水下接驳盒提供的。为了提高海底电力系统的可靠性和用能效率,设计了用于水下接驳盒的电能监控系统。该系统通过检测密封腔体内的环境参数、直流变换器的工作状态和内外部负载的用电情况,诊断系统故障并采取相应的保护措施,同时根据优先级管理内外部负载供电,并可通过海岸基站控制台实现远程控制和维护。在额定-2kV/2kW接驳盒上的原型实验表明,该系统运行稳定可靠,适用于海底长期观测网络。 The land Grid transmits continuous electrical power to sub-sea cabled observatory networks through optic-electric hybrid cables and underwater junction boxes.A power monitoring and control system(PMACS) is designed for the underwater junction boxes,in order to increase the reliability and efficiency of the undersea power system.By measuring the environment parameters of the pressure vessels,the working conditions of dc-dc converters,and the power consumptions of internal and external loads,the PMACS diagnoses system faults and takes protective measures,manages all loads according to their priorities,and can be controlled and maintained by the remote console located at the shore station.The PMACS is tested on a junction box prototype rated-2kV/2kW and proved to be stable and reliable and suitable to be used in sub-sea long-term observatory networks.
出处 《计算机测量与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1076-1078,1081,共4页 Computer Measurement &Control
基金 国家高技术发展计划(863计划) 十一五重点项目(2007AA091201)
关键词 海底观测网络 水下接驳盒 电能监控 故障诊断 负载管理 sub-sea observatory networks underwater junction boxes power monitoring and control fault diagnoses load management
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