
R600a/矿物油的黏度和密度 被引量:1

Viscosity and density of R600a/mineral oil
摘要 利用振动弦黏度/密度实验测量系统对R600a/SUNISO 3GS矿物油混合物5种配比(R600a质量分数为100%、95%、90%、85%、80%)下的黏度和密度进行了实验研究,温度范围为253-333 K。实验系统黏度和密度测量的不确定度分别为±2%和±0.2%,温度测量的不确定度小于±10 mK。在获得实验数据的基础上得到了黏度和密度的关联式。黏度实验数据与方程计算值的最大绝对偏差和平均绝对偏差分别为5.73%和1.75%,密度实验数据与方程计算值的最大绝对偏差和平均绝对偏差分别为0.23%和0.07%。为实际制冷系统的优化设计提供了更为可靠的热物性数据。 The refrigerant and oil mixture is known as real working fluid in a vapor-compression refrigeration system.However,in the design of a refrigeration system only the thermophysical properties of pure refrigerants are considered,and the effect of the presence of compressor oil is not taken into account.In order to optimize the refrigeration system,thermophysical properties of refrigerant and oil mixture are required.For this purpose,the viscosity and density for solutions of natural refrigerant isobutane(R600a)with commercial mineral compressor oil SUNISO 3GS were measured at five nominal mass fractions of w(R600a)=100%,95%,90%,85%,and 80% over the temperature range from 253 K to 333 K.The two properties were measured simultaneously using a vibrating-wire instrument operated in the forced mode of oscillation.The temperature uncertainty was estimated to be within ±10 mK.The overall uncertainties of these results are ±2.0% in viscosity and ±0.2% in density.The viscosity data were correlated with an empirical approach based on the classical Eyring equation.The measurements of density were correlated with a polynomial as a function of temperature.The maximum and the average absolute deviations of the viscosity measurements from the correlation are 5.73% and 1.75% respectively.With regard to density,the maximum and the average absolute deviations of the results from the correlation are 0.23% and 0.07% respectively.Comparisons with the results from the literature are presented.
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1481-1486,共6页 CIESC Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51006082) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20090201110008)~~
关键词 密度 R600A 混合物 振动弦 黏度 density R600a mixture vibrating-wire viscosity
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