
环氧/蒙脱土复合涂层的制备及在H_2S/CO_2环境中的耐热防腐性能研究 被引量:4

Preparation of Epoxy/Montmorillonite Nanocomposite Coating and Investigation on Heat Resistance and Anticorrosion Properties in Oil-Gas Environment with H_2S/CO_2
摘要 通过优化固化工艺、有机蒙脱土含量及树脂组分改善环氧涂层的耐热性,制备应用于高温H2S/CO2腐蚀环境中的环氧耐热防腐涂层,采用高温高压釜试验测试了涂层的耐热防腐效果。结果表明:适当的高温处理能显著提高基体树脂的玻璃化转变温度;环氧树脂在80℃机械搅拌条件下插入有机蒙脱土的层间,质量分数为3%的有机蒙脱土在基体中分散均一,为插层/剥离混合型复合结构,兼顾材料的热机械性能和阻隔性能;清漆涂层的玻璃化转变温度为153.7℃,其防腐涂层在150℃以下含H2S/CO2的油气环境中的防腐效果良好,说明玻璃化转变温度作为防腐涂层的使用上限温度是可行的。 The title anti -corrosive and heat resistant coating, which eoud be used in oil -gas environment with H2SZCO2 , has been developed by optimizing the curing process, clay content and resin component to improve heatresistance and corrosion resistance of epoxy coating. The heatresistant and anti -corrosive properties of the coating in oil - gas environment with H2S/CO2 was investigated with autoclave test. The results showed that heat pre treatment could significantly increase the Tg of the binder, and epoxy resin could be intercalated into the organic montmorillonite layers with mechanical stirring at 80 ℃. OMMT could be well dispersed in the binder when its content was 3% (m/m) , and the nanocomposite showed an intercalation/stripping hybrid characteristic, which could ensure both the thermo -mechanical and barrier properties. When the Tg of the varnish coating was 153.7 ℃, its anti - corrosive property was good in oil - gas environment with H2S/CO2 at 150. 0 ℃, which meant the T could be used as the upper marging temperature for anti - corrosive coating.
出处 《涂料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期54-57,共4页 Paint & Coatings Industry
关键词 环氧树脂 固化工艺 蒙脱土 H2S/CO2 防腐涂层 epoxy resin curing process montmorillonite HzS/CO2 anti - corrosive coating
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