目的检测慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)不同时期患者诱导痰上清液及血清中基质金属蛋白酶9(MMP-9)、基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂1(TI MP-1)浓度,分析其与COPD病情变化的关系。方法选择COPD缓解期组、COPD急性加重期(AECOPD)组和正常对照组各20例,采用双抗夹心酶联免疫吸附测定法检测各组受试者诱导痰上清液及血清中MMP-9、TI MP-1的浓度。结果AECOPD组和COPD缓解期组诱导痰上清液及血清MMP-9浓度均高于正常对照组,诱导痰上清液MMP-9(612.2±58.9)μg/L、(401.5±45.7)μg/L vs(186.2±77.4)μg/L(P<0.01),血清MMP-9(221.7±30.4)μg/L、(203.0±33.5)μg/Lvs(131.4±44.5)μg/L(P<0.01);AECOPD组诱导痰上清液及血清MMP-9浓度均高于COPD缓解期组(P<0.01)。AECOPD组和COPD缓解期组诱导痰上清液及血清TI MP-1浓度均高于正常对照组,诱导痰上清液TI MP-1(859.3±101.0)μg/L、(356.4±92.1)μg/L vs(97.1±54.2)μg/L(P<0.01),血清TI MP-1(213.2±27.2)μg/L、(149.9±20.1)μg/L vs(84.1±14.0)μg/L(P<0.01);AECOPD组血清TI MP-1浓度均高于COPD缓解期组(P<0.01)。AECOPD组和COPD缓解期组诱导痰上清液及血清MMP-9/TI MP-1比值均低于正常对照组(P<0.01);AECOPD组血清MMP-9/TI MP-1比值低于COPD缓解期组(P<0.01)。结论COPD不同时期诱导痰及血清中MMP-9、TI MP-1含量不同,提示存在蛋白酶/抗蛋白酶失衡机制。
Objective To investigate the levels of matrix metalloproteinase 9(MMP-9) and tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases 1(TIMP-1) in induced sputum and serum in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) during different periods,and its relationship with the state of illness.Methods Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) was used to test the levels of MMP-9,TIMP-1 in induced sputum and serum in 20 normal persons,20 patients with COPD during an acute exacerbation(AECOPD) and 20 patients at a stable period.Results The concentrations of MMP-9 in induced sputum and serum of AECOPD and COPD at a stable period were higher than that of normal controls,MMP-9 in induced sputum(612.2±58.9)μg/L,(401.5±45.7)μg/L vs(186.2±77.4)μg/L(P〈0.01),MMP-9 in serum(221.7±30.4)μg/L,(203.0±33.5)μg/L vs(131.4±44.5) μg/L(P〈0.01).The concentrations of MMP-9 in induced sputum and serum of AECOPD were higher than those of COPD at a stable period(P〈0.01).The concentrations of TIMP-1 in induced sputum and serum of AECOPD and COPD at a stable period were higher than those of normal controls,TIMP-1 in induced sputum(859.3±101.0) μg/L,(356.4±92.1) μg/L vs(97.1±54.2) μg/L(P〈0.01),TIMP-1 in serum(213.2±27.2) μg/L,(149.9±20.1) μg/L vs(84.1±14.0) μg/L(P〈0.01).The concentration of TIMP-1 in serum of AECOPD was higher than that of COPD at a stable period(P〈0.01).The ratios of MMP-9 /TIMP-1 in induced sputum and serum of AECOPD and those at a stable period were lower than those of normal controls(P〈0.01).The ratio in serum of AECOPD was lower than that of COPD at a stable period(P〈0.01).Conclusion There were different levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in induced sputum and serum in different periods of COPD,and that indicated there were an imbalance between proteolytic enzyme and anti-proteolytic enzyme in COPD.
Clinical Focus
pulmonary disease
chronic obstructive
matrix metalloproteinase 9