Objective To investigate the elects of telmisartan combined with bayaspirin on patients with microalbuminuriad early diabetic nephropathy. Methods Sixty--eight patients with mlcroalbuminnria of early diabetic nephropathy were divided randomly into treated group,(n= 34) that were treated with bayaspirin combined with telmisartanor control group(n=34)that Were treated with benazeprll only for three months,based on the same basic diet control and insulin. UAE, SCr and BUN oftwo groups were surveyed before and after treatment. Result After 3 month treatment, the 24h microalbuminuria decreased significantly in both groups(P〈0.05), but more significantly in the treated group(P〈0.05), no significant change of the serum creatinine and urea nitrogen was found in both groups(P〉0.05). Conclusion The combination of telmisartan and bayaspirin is mole elective than telmisartan alone.