
经济增长与波动理论的综述与批判——基于“资本积累”的视角 被引量:2

Critique to the Theories of Economic Growth and Fluctuation:from the Perspective of Capital Accumulation
摘要 文章基于"资本积累"的视角,对当前影响较大的主流理论、后凯恩斯理论和马克思理论中关于经济增长和波动的模型进行分析和评述,力图揭示这些理论复杂的数学模型下,所体现的对于"资本积累"的观点。而正是他们对"资本积累"不同的理解和处理方法,决定了其理论对现实解释的说服力。由此,本文认为对经济增长和波动的理解必须基于资本积累的框架,必须综合考虑制度、社会结构等因素才能够真正揭示其内在逻辑。 From the perspective of capital accumulation,this article made a critique to the popular theories of economic growth and fluctuation,and revealed their points of view on capital accumulation,which are hiding behind their mathematical model.And it is the different theories' different ways to understand the capital accumulation that determines the persuasiveness of their explanations to reality.Based on that,this article put forward a point that the analysis of economic growth and fluctuation must be based on the movement of capital accumulation.
作者 骆桢
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2011年第5期24-30,共7页
关键词 经济增长 波动 批判 资本积累 economic growth fluctuation capital accumulation
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