3Perry Anderson, "Origins of the Present Crisis" (1964) ; "Components of' National Culture" ( 1968 ), in English Questions, London: Verso, 1992; Terry Eagleton, Criticism and Ideology: A Study of Marxist Literary Theory, London: New Left Books, 1976, p. 103.
4Lesley Johnson, The Cultural Critics: from Matthew Arnold to Raymond Williams, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, p.25.
5Anthony Easthope, Literary into Cultural Studies, London and New York: Routledge, 1991, p.8.
6Nick Stevenson, Culture, Ideology and Socialism : Raymond Williams and E. P. Thompson, Aldershot: Avebery, 1995, p.17.
7Lionel Trilling, Matthew Arnold, New York and London: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, 1954, pp. 252 - 53.
8Andrew Milner, Contemporary Cultural Theory : An Introduction, London: UCL Press, p. 24.
9Pamela McCallum, Literature and Method: Towards a Critique of I. A. Richards, T.S. Eliot and F. R . Leavis, Dublin: Humanities Press, 1983; Chris Baldick, The Social Mission of English Criti- cism, London: London University Press, 1987.