
老年抑郁症候选基因研究进展 被引量:3

Advance on the candidate gene in geriatric depression
摘要 老年抑郁症是老年期常见疾病,然而其发病机制尚未阐明。近年来有关老年抑郁症遗传学研究成为热点,本文就与老年抑郁症相关的5-HTR基因、5-HTT基因、ApoE基因、BDNF基因、MTHFR基因及ACE基因等热点候选基因研究做一阐述。迄今,尚无任何一个基因可被接受作为老年抑郁症的主要敏感性基因。 Geriatric depression is common in old people,but its etiopathogenesis has not been completely interpreted.Recent researches on geriatric depression have focused on some candidate genes.This article reviews the advance on some hot candidate genes including 5-HTR gene,5-HTT gene,ApoE gene,BDNF gene,MTHFR gene and ACE gene in geriatric depression.So far,no one gene has been considered as the major candidate gene for geriatric depression.
作者 梁栋 孙中武
出处 《安徽医药》 CAS 2011年第6期671-673,共3页 Anhui Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal
基金 国家"973计划"项目子项目(No2007CB512306) 安徽省自然科学基金项目(No090413121)
关键词 老年抑郁症 基因 geriatric depression gene
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