【目的】探讨蜂王浆提高动物繁殖性能的作用机理。【方法】高、低剂量组分别按体重0.2%和0.1%的量对2月龄的雄性日本大耳兔每天空腹灌胃新鲜蜂王浆,对照组灌胃0.1%体重的生理盐水。每周同一时间称重;70 d后分别检测精子密度、活力和畸形率;80 d后分别屠宰,分离主要脏器并计算脏器系数;右侧睾丸制作石蜡切片进行组织形态观察。【结果】(1)第0—8周,高、低剂量组与对照组每周龄体重差异不显著(P>0.05);9周后,高、低剂量组每周龄体重都显著高于对照组(P≤0.05)。屠宰测定时,高、低剂量组的雄兔睾丸、下丘脑和脾3个脏器系数都极显著大于对照组(P≤0.01),而脑、肺、心、肝、肾和膀胱等主要脏器系数差异不显著(P>0.05)。(2)高、低剂量组的精子密度都极显著大于对照组(P≤0.01);低剂量组的精子活力极显著高于对照组(P≤0.01),而对照组又极显著高于高剂量组(P≤0.01)。(3)灌胃80 d后,对照组雄兔睾丸曲细精管生精上皮细胞数量明显少于蜂王浆灌胃组。生精上皮较薄,生精上皮细胞排列疏松,中央的管腔更大,管腔内出现的细胞大部分为初级精母细胞和次级精母细胞;而蜂王浆灌胃组的曲细精管管腔相对缩小,被精子细胞以及精子所充实,细胞层数增多,精原细胞附于基膜上,初级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子依次紧密排列延伸至管腔内,核染色明显,管腔中可见大量的精子。【结论】蜂王浆灌胃能促进雄兔下丘脑、睾丸等生殖器官的发育;灌胃体重0.1%的蜂王浆对精子密度和精子活力都有明显的提高作用。
【Objective】 The mechanism of royal jelly in improvement of reproduction performance of animals was explored in this study.【Method】 Male Japanese white rabbits at the age of 2 months were intragastricaly administrated daily with royal jelly(RJ) at 0.2% and 0.1% of body weight in the high and low dosage group,respectively.Saline water was intragastricaly administrated at 0.1% of body weight in the control group.Rabbits were slaughtered after 80 days,and the body weight of rabbits,the main organ coefficients were calculated.The right testicle of each rabbit was used for morphological analysis after paraffin section preparation.Moreover,the density,motility and deformity rate of sperms were determined in each animal.【Result】 During the testing period of 0-8 weeks,no significant difference was detected in the body weight of rabbits among the 3 groups(P〈0.05).However,the body weight was significantly greater in the treatment groups than the control group after 9-weeks treatment(0.01P≤0.05).The organ coefficients of testicular,hypothalamus and spleen were significantly different between the treatment and control group(P≤0.01).And no difference was found in the organ coefficients of spleen,lung,heart,liver,kidney and urinary bladder among the 3 groups(P〈0.05).The sperm density in RJ treatment groups was significantly higher than that in control group(P≤0.01).The semen motility of rabbits in the low dosage group was significantly higher than control group(P≤0.01),and the control group was significantly higher than the high dosage group(P≤0.01).After 80-days of RJ treatment,the spermatogenic epithelium cells of convoluted seminiferous tubules in testicular of male rabbit was significantly less,spermatogenic epithelium was fewer and scattered in the control group.Moreover,most of them contained in the center hole was primary and second apermatocytes.In comparison,the space of convoluted seminiferous tubules was less in the RJ treatment group because of sertolis cells and spermatozoa.Spermatogonia were affiliated on the basement membrane,the primary spermatocytes,spermatids,and spermatozoa were extended tightly into the center hole.The core was dying clearly,and most of containing in the center hole were spermatozoas.【Conclusions】RJ intragastric administration can promote the development of male reproductive organs,like hypothalamus and testicular.And intragastirc administration with RJ at 0.1% of body weight can improve the motility and density of sperm in rabbits.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica
royal jelly
male rabbit
growth performance
reproduction performance