目的探讨眼结膜下脂肪疝与脂肪瘤的CT表现,旨在提高对两者的鉴别诊断水平。资料与方法回顾性分析经病理证实的16例(30眼)结膜下脂肪疝和22例(22眼)结膜下脂肪瘤的临床和CT资料。结果结膜下脂肪疝CT表现为眶内结膜下肌锥内外间隙相通的脂肪密度;结膜下脂肪瘤CT表现为眶内结膜下肌锥外泪腺内侧的"新月"形或"半圆"形脂肪密度。结膜下脂肪疝与结膜下脂肪瘤在发病年龄,性别,单、双眼发病率及合并泪腺脱垂率上差异均有统计学意义。结论 CT对眼结膜下脂肪疝与脂肪瘤的鉴别诊断有较高特异性。
Objective To investigate CT features of subconjunctival fat prolapse and lipoma.Materials and Meth-ods CT findings and clinical data of 38 patients(including 16 cases with 30 eyes of subconjunctival fat prolapse and 22 cases with 22 eyes of subconjunctival lipoma) were retrospectively analyzed.Results CT features of subconjunctival fat prolapse included a crescent-shaped or horn-shaped fat density mass continuous with the orbital fat in the superior temporal quadrant of the orbit.CT features of subconjunctival lipoma included a crescent-shaped or triangle fat density mass incontinuous with the orbital fat in the temporal side.There were significant differences in the morbidity age,sex,single or double eyes involved and whether or not with dislocation of lacrimal gland between subconjunctival fat prolapse and lipoma.Conclusion CT is helpful to distinguish subconjunctival fat prolapse and subconjunctival lipoma.
Journal of Clinical Radiology